South Australian Community Achievement Awards

Office for Ageing Well Tackling Ageism Award
Ageism or age discrimination is when someone treats you unfairly because of your age. Many older South Australians find themselves discriminated against in this way, which impacts their confidence, job prospects, financial situation, health, and quality of life. 

Media and popular culture can present stereotypical characters and situations reinforcing negative community beliefs and attitudes, with ageism working against inclusion, ultimately creating a society that does not value the input of its older members. Tackling ageism means breaking down the barriers and busting myths and stereotypes so that South Australians, no matter their age, can live well.

Office for Ageing Well is offering the Tackling Ageism Award to recognise an individual, community group or organisation that understands the pervasive nature of ageism and is taking action to challenge it and better promote the value of older people and ageing well 

This award is open to those who can demonstrate tangible actions to confront and overcome discrimination against older South Australians. Government organisations and programs are not eligible for this award.

  • In 50 words (2-3 short sentences), please outline your understanding of ageism and why you have chosen to tackle it. 
  • What action are you taking to tackle ageism and how is it increasing perceptions of the value of older people to society?
  • Outline any challenges/obstacles and what you have done to overcome them.
  • How have you measured the impact of your action IE how do you know you are making a difference, and what results have you achieved? 
  • In 50 words (2-3 short sentences), please summarise your nomination, highlighting your achievements IE actions taken and impacts made.
Australian Dental Foundation Community Welfare Innovation Award
The Australian Dental Foundation is a national award-winning health promotion charity, passionately committed to improving Australia’s oral health outcomes and well-being. Our programs help to address inequalities in oral health through expanding access to compassionate, quality and professional oral health care for those who suffer the greatest burden of oral disease in Australia.

The Australian Dental Foundation Community Welfare Innovation Award recognises and celebrates the contribution that an individual or organisation has made through implementing an innovative welfare program or initiative that has made a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of dependant community members who rely on others for their care

This can extend to encompass programs and initiatives delivered:
At a class-room or school level by a teacher, pastoral care worker or wellbeing coordinator for the 
        benefit of school aged students
by worker at an aged care facility or residential living accommodation, for the benefit of its residents 
by a not-for-profit, charity or disability care service provider in supporting the care of community     
        members living with a disability

Such programs may encompass outstanding strategies and initiatives that improve welfare, and promote/embed good health and wellbeing for members of our community whom are dependent on the care of others – with results achieved being far beyond industry standard expectations.
  • Outline your innovative welfare program, contribution and outcomes achieved 
  • Explain why the program was innovative or unique, and the nature of your input
  • Was the program delivered paid or voluntary, and number of hours contributed (paid and/or unpaid)
  • Discuss difficulties or barriers and how they have been overcome (if relevant) 
  • Outline who has benefited from your program, highlighting the role that community involvement played 
  • Commitment to improving health situation/scenario of the individual, service or organisation you provide for
  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. 
    This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.
Australian Native Food Co Small Business Award
Small businesses make up over 95% of all businesses and employ a third of South Australia’s workforce. Successful, innovative and proactive business ventures are making important economic and social contributions to our state, across all industries.

Australian Native Food Co is proud to recognise these creative ventures, which provide opportunities for growth, productivity, leadership, employment and community enhancement. 
The Australian Native Food Co Small Business Award will acknowledge and highlight the successes and achievements of South Australian small businesses, whilst also recognising their community contributions
  • Brief background and history of the business
  • Description of successful product and/or service delivery
  • Examples of recent business achievements, innovation or performance success
  • Involvement with wider industry groups and the local or wider community
  • Describe any barriers or difficulties and how they have been overcome
  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summaries your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.
Carers SA - Young Carer Award

If you provide personal care, support and/or assistance to family or friends who have a disability, a mental illness, dementia, a long-term health condition, an illness that is terminal, an alcohol or drug related problem or someone who is frail due to age – then you are a Carer. In Australia there are almost 2.65 million Carers and an estimated 30,000 Young Carers in South Australia. Young Carers are 25 years of age and under and to be eligible for this award must be between the ages of 13 and 25.

The Young Carer Achievement Award recognises a young South Australian whose caring role has an ongoing impact on their everyday life and who has championed the cause of Young Carers, improving recognition, awareness, and services. Carers SA presents this award to celebrate this individual achievement in championing the Carer cause to improve the lives of Carers in South Australia.

- Be over the age of 13 and under the age of 25 at the time of the awards

- Be a current Carer whose caring role has an impact on everyday life

- Not be a paid support worker and not be fulfilling their caring role as part of a volunteer program

- Please note if the Carer is under the age of 18 they will need to provide evidence of parental/guardian consent in their application

  • Outline the Caring role (the length of the role, the hours involved in caring, the condition/s of the person being cared for) and other relevant information related to the caring role.

  • How have you managed to juggle educational/work requirements with your caring role.

  • Outline the challenges and obstacles faced in their caring role that affected the Carer and others and the actions taken to overcome them. 

  • Outline any networking, groups, services or support that the Carer has helped establish, support or been involved in. How long has the Carer been involved?

  • Outline how the person has championed the cause of Carers. How has the Carer used their voice to raise awareness of the needs of Carers through avenues such as committees, media, campaigns, promotions that have made a difference to the wider community of Carers.

  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made.
    This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.
Carers SA Carer Achievement Award

If you provide personal care, support and/or assistance to family or friends who have a disability, a mental illness, dementia, a long-term health condition, an illness that is terminal, an alcohol or drug related problem or someone who is frail due to age – then you are a Carer. In Australia there are almost 2.65 million Carers and an estimated 245,000 Carers in South Australia. Carers can be any age. Parents, grandparents, partners, siblings, children, friends, and neighbours may all take on a caring role at some point in their life. 


The Carer Achievement Award recognises a South Australian Carer who has not only provided substantial long-term care but who has also worked to improve the recognition, services and supports for other Carers. Carers SA presents this award to celebrate this individual achievement in championing the Carer cause to improve the lives of Carers in South Australia.


Carers SA has 30 years of experience providing unpaid Carers with a range of services including:

- Carer Gateway services such as:

- Carer support planning

- Emergency respite

- Peer Groups

- Coaching

- Counselling

- Tailored support packages

- Carer Breaks

- Community Connections; and

- Advocacy


Category Guidelines: 

- Be a current or past family carer who has had a substantial long term caring role with recent caring experience

- Not be a paid carer and not be fulfilling their caring role as part of a volunteer program

- Be over 18 years of age

  • Outline the length of the caring role and when, severity of the condition of the person and what the personal caring role entailed, the hours involved in caring
  • Outline the challenges and obstacles they faced in their caring role and the actions taken to overcome obstacles and challenges that affected themselves and others
  • Outline any networking, groups, services or support, carer has helped establish or support or been involved in, and for how long
  • Outline how the person has championed the cause of carers, how they have used their voice to raise awareness of the needs of carers such as committees, media, campaigns, promotions that has made a difference to the wider community of carers
  • Provide details on any awards or recognition that the carer has received (written answer or use the ‘Attachments’ section below to upload photos, media clippings, etc.)
  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. 
    This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.
Konica Minolta Customer Service Award

Customer service plays a pivotal role in the success of any business or organization. The Konica Minolta Australia Customer Service Award is a prestigious accolade that recognizes and celebrates exceptional customer service within organizations or by individuals. By sponsoring this award, Konica Minolta demonstrates its commitment to promoting and rewarding excellence in customer service. The award serves as a platform to acknowledge individuals, teams or organisations that consistently go above and beyond to provide exceptional experiences to customers. Through this award Konica Minolta aims to inspire a customer-centric culture and encourage organizations to prioritize outstanding service and customer satisfaction. The award highlights the importance of exceptional customer service and its impact on building strong relationships and driving success in all aspects of business.

Some points to consider when filling out this application:

--- How do you ensure a positive customer experience throughout the entire customer journey?

--- How do you proactively anticipate customer needs and exceed their expectations?

--- How do you handle difficult or dissatisfied customers, and what steps do you take to turn the situation around?

--- What strategies or initiatives have you implemented to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty?

  • Please provide a brief background of the business/organisation and the nominee (a team or an individual)
  • Can you please share a specific instance where you went above and beyond to provide exceptional service to a customer and also provide an example of how you successfully collaborated with others to deliver outstanding service?
  • Training and development undertaken

  • Outline how the nominee (a team or an individual) has made an impact on the business and wider community

  • Testimonials that back up examples of customer service excellence will be viewed favourably

  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.

Rural Doctors Workforce Agency Rural Community Health and Wellbeing Award
The Rural Doctors Workforce Agency Rural Community Health and Wellbeing Award recognises individuals, communities and organisations in SA’s rural areas who are committed to improving the health and wellbeing of their local community. There are many who passionately and selflessly provide support, guidance, encouragement, assistance or professional services to improve access to health services or support. They offer hope, inspiration and voluntary assistance to people who need support and networks to improve their quality of life.

The Rural Community Health and Wellbeing Award acknowledges the services, efforts, actions and positive input provided by volunteers, carers and health professionals. These individuals, communities and organisations create a sense of community spirit, which plays a vital role in enhancing the quality of life of those who depend on them.

  • Outline your rural health and wellbeing contribution and outcomes achieved 
  • Who has benefited and the nature of your input 
  • Is the health service paid or voluntary and number of hours contributed (paid and/or unpaid)
  • Discuss barriers and how they have been overcome (if relevant) 
  • Outline your community involvement 
  • Commitment to improving health situation/scenario of the individual, service or organisation you provide for
  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. 
    This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.