Western Australian Community Achievement Awards
Sample Nomination:
This is to be used as a guide only and nominators should review the criteria for the Award nominating to ensure all criteria are addressed correctly.
25 word (2-3 sentences) summary. Please summarise your nomination:
(insert organisation/group) has been running for (insert years). The (insert organisation/group) is to (insert key roles and responsibilities of organisation/group). In the local community we have contributed (insert contributions, donations, milestones). The (insert organisation/group) hopes to continue to work with (insert information about who organisation/group has benefited or helped) and to accomplish (insert what is hoped to be accomplished by the organisation/group).
Aims and Objectives
Since establishing (insert group/organisation) in (insert year), we have established a variety of aims and objectives we wish to meet in the next (insert number of years). We aim to have (insert number) people join our organisation by the end of (insert year). We hope with increased numbers we will be able to aid (insert goals) as well as (insert aims).
The objectives of (insert organisation/group) are in line with our companies/ groups mission statement and are (insert objectives/ mission statement etc.) As an organisation/company/group we hope to meet these objectives to ensure we bring to our community (insert what company/ group/ organisation does for community).
Through implementing initiatives (insert initatives) such as (insert measuring systems eg. Surveys, marketing etc) we have been able to measure the success of our programs. The (insert measuring systems) have allowed us to adapt and modify our (insert programs/iniatives) in order to increase (insert productivity, response rate, community participation etc). (insert example of measuring outcomes, include benefits to community/wider community).
Initiatives and Community Contribution
Over the past (insert years) years , (insert organisation) has been involved with assisting many organisations within (insert town/suburb) including (insert organsiations, charities, community events etc). As an organisation we have raised (insert amount) for the (insert cause/causes) which have benefited the (insert organisation) and have given them to ability to provide (insert what contribution has provided). (insert organisation) has also been involved by (list all organisation, community groups, causes and associations involved in and the contributions made to all).
In the next (insert time period), (insert organisation) are looking into establishing (insert group, organisation/company/ initiatives) that will aid our community by (insert benefits of group, organisation/company). We hope through our initiatives (insert initiative) we are able to to encourage others in the community to be involved by (insert ways community will be involved in group, organisation/company/event).
Staff development and training is a key aspect of our organisation, we have implemented training progams and initiatives (insert training program/initiatives). These programs have allowed our organisation and our staff/volunteers to (insert benefits provided to staff/volunteers through training). By increasing our knowledge base we have also been able to (insert what the training has provided to wider community/community served.) We hope to continue to adapt our training initiatives to ensure we continue to meet the expectations of our staff; our clients as well as the wider community within our region (insert region or town).
Contributions to wider community
Through the establishment of (insert Community group/initiatives/events etc) we have been able to aid a variety of organisation including (insert organisation benefited). We have been able to create a variety of initiatives which have benefited the local community by (insert benefits and initiatives provided). Through our initiatives we have aided the (insert group/cause/initiative/individual which has been helped) financially and established a community network which will allow other programs and initiatives to reach members in the local community who need the most help. Through (insert organisiation/project/group etc) we have also overcome many challenges including (insert and detail challenges). We have established initatives (detail initatives) which we hope will allow us to overcome these challenges and continue our service to the community for many years to come.
Sources of funding
As a (insert type of organisation eg. Non for profit, volunteer, self funded etc.)(insert organisation) needs funding to ensure our initiatives and contributions to our community are possible. Through the application for (insert funding/grants names etc) we have receive (insert monetary value received/grant received) been able to provide (insert what has been provided for community served). We hope that through the application of (insert new applications for funding ect) we will be provide (insert what can be provided through funding) within the next (insert number of years) years.
Barriers and how they have been overcome
Since (insert organisation/community group) started their initiatives (list initiatives) we have encounted many barriers including (insert barriers eg. Funding, community support, lack of participants etc.). Though (insert organisation) has had many barriers to overcome we have put initiatives (list initiatives) in place which we hope will prevent these barriers reoccurring in the future within our future programs/ community groups/ events etc.
Through our barriers (insert barriers) our organisation/ community group have learnt how to (insert what has been learnt by barriers). Our (insert funding/knowledge) have also been a barrier in furthering our (insert initiatives/events/community groups etc). We have been able to overcome these barriers by (insert how the barriers have been overcome eg. Extra funding, additional preparations etc) which we hope we will be able to apply to our other (insert initiatives) in the future.
Achievements, Awards, Accolades
Since the establishment of (insert organisation/community group etc) we have been recognised through many awards. Our industry awards include (list awards and when they were won). As a receipt of these awards, (insert organisation) we have been able to (insert what has been achieved through awards eg. Able to apply for grant funding, funding from government etc). We have also been able introduce new initiatives (detail initiatives) with a focus on (insert focus). In the next (insert amount of year) we hope to create (insert what is hope to be achieved). The awards we have won have been valuable in allowing us to achieve our goals.