Northern Territory Young Achiever Awards

To see a snapshot of the Awards categories, check out the video below: 

Aurizon Indigenous Achievement Award

Young Indigenous people are using their own stories and life experiences to give back to their communities and improve the lives of other Indigenous youths. These passionate and dedicated young Indigenous people provide strong role models and help make a difference. The Indigenous Achievement Award acknowledges and celebrates the commitment of these young people in achieving or participating in excellence.

  • What contributions have you made to your local community and the wider Northern Territory community?
    • How have these contributions and achievements benefited the local community and the wider Northern Territory community (i.e. improvements in physical, emotional, intellectual and/or spiritual wellbeing)?
  • What influence has this had on the Indigenous and/or broader community?
    • What successes and challenges have you experienced?
    • What are the influences that impacted on your achievements?
    • Any other relevant information:
  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.
Awards Australia Foundation Connecting Communities Award

The Awards Australia Foundation is passionate about connecting with and supporting communities right across the country to create a brighter future. 

The Awards Australia Foundation Connecting Communities Award celebrates young individuals or groups that use innovative or new technology to drive grassroots, ‘real life’ initiatives that demonstrate genuine engagement and add long-term value to local communities. 
These initiatives may meet a specific need or simply be a fun way to celebrate being part of a community. This includes fostering a strong sense of community spirit and enhancing the way people connect within the community.

The Connecting Communities Award is open to individuals, or a group of two or more young people. Nominees for group nominations must be able to demonstrate that those leading the group and driving the initiative, 30 years of age or under, as per the Conditions of Entry.
  • Provide a brief background and history of the group and key participants, and how their initiative is “Connecting Communities”.
  • Outline the short and long term goals of the group and their achievements to date.
  • Demonstrate how technology, data or innovation has played a part in the community initiative:
    a) In planning 
    b) In the way the project is delivered
    c) In the way the project is received (by participants/community)
  • Demonstrate the value of the initiative to the local community. You can use media clippings, testimonials, photos (provide links or utilise the Attachments section) as well as commentary to respond.
  • Provide details of any challenges and/or obstacles that have had to be overcome and how this has been achieved.
  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.
Charles Darwin University International Student Award
The Charles Darwin University International Student Award seeks to recognise young people who have travelled to the Northern Territory to further their education or training and who have contributed to the enrichment of the community and culture. 

The award celebrates young people who have contributed to the community (e.g. volunteering their time in activities, initiatives, projects, events, mentoring) and/or contributed to the cultural capital of the Territory (e.g. through art, performance, creative writing etc.). 

International Students contribute significantly to the Northern Territory, and this award will seek to acknowledge young people currently enrolled in any form of higher education or skills training who have demonstrated a desire and motivation to connect and contribute. They will have demonstrated qualities that align with Charles Darwin University's values of kindness, openness and innovation. 
  • Please provide details about the course this student is enrolled in, including how far progressed this student is. 
  • Detail how the nominee has contributed to the community or culture of the Northern Territory. 
  • List the outcomes of the contribution.
  • Please explain who has benefited from this nominee's involvement. 
  • Describe any barriers this nominee has faced and explain how the nominee overcame them. 
  • In 25 words or less, please summarise your nomination, highlighting your achievements and the impacts made. 
Glencore McArthur River Mining Regional and Rural Initiative Award
The Territory is a vibrant and exciting place that is constantly growing and changing. Young Territorians are helping their local communities to achieve this by developing primary industries, manufacturing, tourism and employment opportunities. They're helping to ensure sustainability, community development and promote positive images of regional areas within the Territory. The Regional and Rural Initiative Award acknowledges and rewards those young Territorians who are helping to reshape and inspire their local communities.
  • Contribution and interests to the regional and rural community and benefits to the Northern Territory:
  • What are the direct impacts of projects and programs the individual is involved within the community:
  • Outline initiative and innovation – planning, management and leadership:
  • Source of funding and outline what is voluntary or paid involvement:
  • Outline self-development, training and education levels of individual:
  • Level of past or future sacrifices made or difficulties to overcome:
  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.
McDonalds NT Career Achievement Award
Territorians are pursuing their career with passion and vitality and young people are showing ambition isn’t limited by age. 
Whether they are climbing the corporate ladder, progressing from apprentice to workshop manager, or have a focus on proactivity and innovation in the workplace, they are showing that career success can start and apply anywhere. 
The McDonalds NT Career Achievement Award promotes innovation, high achievement, hard work, leadership, a desire for self-improvement and a community focus. 
The Award will reward those who make the most of their opportunities.

  • Background of Career profile:
  • Has the nominee shown creativity, innovation, entrepreneurial skills?
  • Examples of initiative, planning, management and leadership:
  • Outline any personal development:
  • Length/sustainability of position:
  • Describe any community participation, involvement and contribution:
  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.
Mindil Beach Casino Resort Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Award

The Mindil Beach Casino Resort Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Award will honour young Territorians who are leaders in their field, doing their part to showcase NT as a destination of choice or providing exceptional guest experiences through gracious hospitality.

Mindil Beach Casino Resort believe in bringing the warmth of genuine service to everything that they do. This award will celebrate those who provide personable, meaningful experiences to others or develop new initiatives for tourists and visitors to enjoy what NT has to offer. It could be part of an existing business, a new venture, a program to improve inclusion and accessibility, or an innovative new approach to travelling, dining or accommodation. NT has so many destinations, tours, events and festivals, so this award is open to any young person contributing to the travel, tourism or hospitality industries and will applaud contributions demonstrating passion, innovation and outstanding customer service.


  • Provide a brief overview of the business/organisation and the nominee’s position/role.

  • Detail how has the individual made an overall impact on the business, organisation or their venture? (Please include examples of where the nominee has displayed management, leadership, innovation skills above and beyond what is required.) 

  • Describe how has the nominee made a positive and lasting impact to the broader industry in the past 12 months? 

  • Provide examples of the nominee’s commitment to providing an exceptional guest experience?

  • How does the nominee’s contribution showcase NT as a destination of choice?

  • Outline how the nominee’s activities contribute to the local and wider community; and benefits to NT.

  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.

NT Government Excellence in Youth Leadership Award
Young people showing strong leadership ability think creatively and act decisively. They help motivate and inspire others to aim high. In business, commerce and the community, effective young leaders are emerging by displaying initiative, innovation and a commitment to excellence. Their positive approach to life and outstanding contributions to society are a credit to themselves and their families. The Excellence in Youth Leadership Award gives special recognition to honour and encourage youth leadership.
  • Contribution and interests in the local and wider community and benefits to the Northern Territory:
  • Outline initiative and innovation planning, management and leadership:
  • Goal setting and direction of individual or group/organisation/club:
  • Outline how you provide support and encourage other individuals or group members. 
  • Outline the commitment to personal development and further education:
  • Discuss all barriers encountered and how they have been overcome:
  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.
NT Government Small Business Achievement Award
Many young Territorians have successfully started or operate their own small business or franchise and are making important economic and social contributions to the Territory. Creative business, franchises and commercial ventures provide opportunities for growth, productivity, leadership, training and employment. Many are also giving back to the community or giving others an opportunity. Young small business, franchise owners and operators are rolling up their sleeves, developing and realising their corporate vision and mission. The NT Government Small Business Achievement Award promotes those who “give it a go” through determination, innovation, hard work and self-motivation, rewarding those who make their own luck and opportunities a reality.
  • Outline Business History and services provided:
  • Contribution and interests in local and wider community and benefits to the Northern Territory:
  • Outline the nominee’s career profile:
  • Outline initiative and innovation- management and entrepreneurial skills:
  • Activities the nominee has undertaken to advance the business, including personal development, business development and staff training and support:
  • Level of any past or future sacrifices made or difficulties to overcome:
  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.
NT Government Young Aboriginal Educator Award
Aboriginal Educators and Support Staff have a significant role to play in the lives of their students and can make a real difference by giving them guidance, encouragement and support. The Young Aboriginal Educator Award will recognise young Aboriginal Teachers, Assistant Teachers, Support staff and young Aboriginal students studying education and those currently undertaking placements throughout the Territory. It is important to recognise the Aboriginal workforce and those young Aboriginal people who have the leadership ability and skills to inspire students, other staff and their community creating future success for all Territorians. This award provides an opportunity for the broader community to nominate a high achieving Aboriginal educator or support staff member and acknowledge their achievements and contribution to outstanding service in their local community.
  • Outline how the nominee has used initiative, engaged in innovative practice and excelled as a teacher, educator, support staff or pre-service teacher: 150 words maximum.
  • Describe how the students, other staff and/or the community have benefitted from the nominee's educational related activities and leadership role (within the school): 150 words maximum.
  • Outline the nominees’ educational background and detail their commitment to personal development and further education: 150 words maximum.
  • Provide any other relevant information e.g. sporting, community events, maintaining language: 750 words maximum.
  • 100 word summary of achievements for media, judging and promotional material including for use on the Awards night.
NT Government Young Carers Award
Young people are constructively making a difference by supporting people with disability and people who are aged by caring for their daily needs. They give their time to make life more comfortable, improve independence, confidence and well-being of the people they care for. This help can be the difference between hospital or home, happiness or depression, self-respect or feeling a hindrance and alone. This award will be presented to a young carer that is making an outstanding contribution in this field. 
  • What is the level of assistance required for the person being cared for – bathing, travel requirements, banking etc?
  • What are the number of carer’s hours (paid and/or unpaid)?
  • Outline the commitment and role of the carer and any sacrifices made or difficulties overcome:
  • What is the carer’s contribution and interests in the local & wider community?
  • Has the carer undertaken any training, education and courses to support the person they care for?
  • Does the carer seek to involve the person being cared for in community activities and if so, what are the benefits?
  • Has there been an improvement in health, confidence and/or well-being of the person being cared for?
  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made.This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.
Somerville Promoting Disability Rights and Inclusion Award
The Somerville Promoting Disability Rights and Inclusion Award will recognise the amazing and inspirational young individuals who are changing the lives of those who are living with a disability.
  • Outline the nominee’s contribution to the championing the rights of people with disability and promoting inclusion and whether the contribution is paid or unpaid.
  • List details of the community organisations, individuals or services that the nominee is involved with. Please outline their role(s), activities and time spent.
  • Outline any barriers or difficulties that the nominee has faced and how they have been overcome. These may be physical, emotional, social, financial, or any other barriers.
  • Provide details on any other awards or recognition the nominee has received.
  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.
Zip Print Sport Award
Today’s young athletes are tomorrow’s sporting heroes. They’re dedicated young Australians with a strong spirit of competition and love of the game. Encouraging and supporting the ambition and hard work of these focused individuals helps them to go further, faster, longer and higher than anyone before. Whether it’s competing, coaching, administration or education, the Sports Award seeks to applaud their talents and recognise their commitment in the pursuit of excellence.
  • Outline the nominees interests within the local and wider community and the benefits to the Northern Territory:
  • Outline the nominees sporting career profile. Include any achievements, accolades and awards locally, nationally and internationally:
  • Detail the nominees short and long term objectives within their sport:
  • Source of funding:
  • Detail the nominees commitment to personal development:
  • Outline the level of past or future sacrifices made or difficulties overcome:
  • In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.