Home » Podcast » A chat with Theo Kapodistrias | Episode 6

A chat with Theo Kapodistrias | Episode 6

In this week’s episode, Geoff is talking to Theo who was a Finalist in the 2019 Young Achiever Awards for Tasmania.

Theo Kapodistrias is a multi-award-winning lawyer, working for the University of Tasmania for almost 6 years. Theo has been recognized in Australia being named the 2020 Young Lawyer of the Year by the Law Society of Tasmania, the Academia, Training and Education Lawyer of the Year at the 2018 Corporate Counsel Awards, the 2017 and 2018 30 Under 30 (Corporate Counsel), and featured in the 2019 Legal 500 Australian Rising Stars Publication. In addition, he has been shortlisted for several other legal and community service awards. In addition to his substantive legal role, Theo is a Non-Executive Director and Tasmanian Divisional President of ACC Australia, a Tasmanian Ambassador and Industry Champion with Business Events Tasmania, an ambassador for World Idea Day, and the past Co-President of the Southern Young Lawyers Committee of Tasmania.

In this episode:

  • We find out how Theo gives back to his community
  • Find out what Theo’s new career side hustle is
  • What did we find out about Theo that was not “lawyery” at all?


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Welcome to the inspirational Australians podcast, where we chat to people, making a difference in their communities and in the lives of others. And here is your host for today, Geoff Griffin


Our inspirational Australian podcast guest today is Theo Kapodistrias, and I’m absolutely excited to speak with Theo, who’s an extraordinary young lawyer and community volunteer. Theo was a finalist in the 2019 Heather and Christopher Chung Community Service and Volunteering Award, which is part of the Tasmanian Young Achiever Awards. He is 29, he has won numerous awards and he’s making a real impact to improve the legal services in education and as a volunteer for those in need and in the broader community. I hope you all enjoy our insightful interview with Theo today. Welcome to the podcast.


Thank you, Jeff. It’s great to be here.


Mate, reading through your resume of course, brings back some memories of last year’s awards and it’s certainly expanded significantly. In recent times, you are an amazing young person or you do so much for others, and to use such a talent and important skill for community is really impressive.

So congratulations! Mate, you made the finals as I said last year ahead of a large field of amazing young people. What are the highlights of your achievements that you think might have had the judges voting for you?


I think some of my most exciting achievements would probably originally date back from 2012-013 with my involvement in these union legal services. So I became the president of the student legal service in 2013. And from my involvement in 2012-2013, we managed to turn the service into a full functioning advisory service from where it used to only be a referral service. So people within the community were able to receive free legal advice with the support from the community legal sector, uh, with the volunteer assistance of students. And I was really fortunate to have that during that period. Um, and during my term as well, I managed to achieve $5,000 worth of funding to then add on a migration advisory services section to that program as well.

So that meant that students who were facing these issues or potential deportation for breaching their visa, could receive timely legal migration advice for that their problems, which I think is really important. Because it’s so difficult for individuals to find that support particularly for free. Uh, so that, that was probably, uh, something that caught the judge’s eyes. Um, other things that I’ve been involved in is mentoring. So I’m a big supporter of mentoring, particularly for students and those entering into the legal profession, because I believe that I’m able to assist them with the knowledge I’ve gained over the years. So every year I try and mentor at least four to five students, um, and support them in their transition from student to a lawyer or career personnel, whatever they might want to do. So just working with them to achieve that goal. And I guess the other thing that judges the types would have, I think liked would have been at my volunteering’s through the, not for profit space generally. So, uh, involve new a number of organizations, including the Association of Corporate Canada, Australia Tasmania and other community groups as well.


Mate, absolutely brilliant, so inspiring and what a service with, uh, other students to lead them, to actually gain experience, but to give back in such an important way is so impressive. You are, as I said, an amazing young achiever, how has being nominated for the young achievers and also of course, numerous other awards helped you in your work as a lawyer, educator and volunteer.


I think for me, it’s helped me to understand and rethink what I do, uh, I guess often it’s, it might be perceived as just being lost stuff. Um, but in actual fact it has a real impact on individuals and the community. So I think the volunteer program, uh, via awards program, I’d say really helps hone in and demonstrate that this work isn’t just law stuff or career building, but it’s actually assisting others and being able to do things for the community, which is I think really important. Volunteer work is something that I do to assist others, and improve their skills. And for me, it helps improve the, I guess, my professional life as well, allows me to meet new people, allows me to continue to build my skills through education and, communication. And I think those are really critical, um, moving onto the future for, I guess, any professional role or position. So that’s something I really value.


Yeah, I guess, uh, what goes around comes around, they say. Karma is a beautiful thing. You’re a non- executive director and Tasmanian divisional president of the Association of Corporate Counsel Australia. Now that sounds pretty impressive. Can you tell us a bit more about your role in the council?


Sure. So ACC Australia is part of the global legal association that promotes the common professional and business interests of in house legal counsel. So they are lawyers who work for corporations, associations, and government and other organizations. And we support them through the information, education, networking, and advocacy services, which we provide to our members. So in Australia, each state and territory, except the Northern territory, unfortunately, has a division and I’m very fortunate enough to head up their Tasmanian division. So in, in my, I guess operational role as the Tasmania individual president, I try and organize, um, continuing professional development events for our members, uh, advocacy services. So whether there’s a particular issue, I try and, um, represent our membership on that front, but deeply from a Tasmanian perspective, um, and hoping to provide, I guess, a, a space for our members to learn from each other, because I believe peer to peer learning is also a really critical thing.

Um, yeah, so, and I guess, uh, being part of the board, um, as a non-executive director means that I get to provide my input from both representing Tasmania, but also representing, um, other counsel, um, at that national level to say, you know, this is where I see the organization going, and this is where I believe we should move. And also providing that governance input is really critical and important for me as well.


Absolutely brilliant. And what’s your involvement as a Tasmanian ambassador and industry champion with the Business Events Tasmania?


So business events Tasmania just for context is the peak organization for business events sectors in Tasmania. So it’s essentially our convention bureau and their primary role is to provide, market Tasmania as a destination for business events and to try and bring business events such as conferences and that type of thing into the state.

So my role as a Tasmanian ambassador and industry champion is to promote Tasmania as a key destination for legal governance, risks, events, um, and try and bring those down here. The flow on effect essentially for having those events in Tasmania means it contributes to the economy. And I think that’s such an important thing. Business events generally bringing in 150 million into the Tasmanian economy, I believe, and individual delegates also boost participating in the economy, through just being here and having dinners and staying at hotels and all that type of thing. So my role essentially is to reach out to those who I have contact with across Australia in the legal governance and sort of risk spaces, because that’s where I play around the best, and promote And then promote the idea of having their event in Tassie.

Yeah, it’s been really great. So I first got involved, as the co-conveners for the Society of University Lawyers Annual Conference in 2018, which we hosted in Tasmania. It feels like so long ago when we were able to have over 200 people in a room together, since the thing of the past now looking at the current situation with COVID. Um, but yeah, I guess that that event and having that in Tasmania was what spring-boarded me to utilize business events Tasmania as a service to assist me with organizing the event. Um, but also to bring more of events in Tassie and, uh, I guess once, uh, restrictions, lift and borders open, we’ll be able to have more in Tassie and I look forward to bringing more events down.


Yes, it would be nice to be able to run those events again, very important in the community and for the economy. And can you tell us briefly about your role with the university, you know, working with young people in the legal profession?


Yeah, so my role at the university is as legal counsel representing the university. So I am there in house legal counsel and I’ve been doing so for about six years. And in my role, I provide legal advice to the university on the university legal matters. So that is all, you know, academic staff and professional staff on that is ranging from commercial contracting, intellectual property, privacy, real property, corporate governance, and anything of anything like that, like really that comes across my desk. So my, I believe that my key role is to enable the university to be its best and continue to be a leader in the research and teaching space. So I always, you know, it’s about looking out for, you know, I guess the best interest of the university, but also the flow and effect what that has for Tasmania. So essentially looking at, I guess, um, you know, potentially commercializing, um, amazing, uh, intellectual property, which our academics create a flow and effect to that could be, it creates a whole new industry for Tasmania. And I think that’s really, really important and, just amazing that, you know, someone’s brilliant idea can be turned into something really viable.


Yeah. Fantastic. What’s your passion? You know, what about the dreams that drive you to do all the things that you’ve done?


That’s a really great question. And I think for me, the passion is, being able to assist people and providing a service. Cause I think that is such a critical thing. Uh, for me, I guess when you can see the impact of what you do and the flow on effects of a simple action on other people and the community at large, it’s very, it’s really nice to see, and I think don’t necessarily appreciate that. We’ll think about that, um, when doing something, but then to be able to see it is, is really nice. So I think, um, being able to see amazing things happen is kind of what drives me to keep doing what I’m doing.


Yeah, that’s fantastic. It really, what are the awards are all about? Acknowledging people like yourself through so many across the country, young people like you, who just have a passion to make a difference and see things happen and people not only benefit, but grow as you rightly said. So important. I know you also recently launched a side hustle was professional speaker at events and conferences. I guess there’s not too much of that going on right now, but what’s your motivation behind the public speaking gigs?


Uh, yes. So I did recently launch my professional speaking gig, launched in March, which was probably the worst time in human history to launch something like that to get in front of hundreds of people. I guess the speaking gig is really two fold. So the first is speaking is something I’m really passionate about and I really enjoy doing, um, so over the past few years, I’ve spoken at events and conferences, um, in Tassie, nationally and a few internationally as well. And I thought, look, this is, this is something I really like to do. Um, and if, I guess, uh, from a more selfish side, if it’s something that I can get paid for, then that that’s great. Um, but I guess the other, the other motivation behind it is, I guess what I speak about is how to make an impact, how individuals can make an impact through their communication, their collaboration and their connection. And I think through everything I do, I try and make a really positive impact. And I think individuals that can do that as well. And that’s a message I would want to promote to other people. And hopefully that’s an important message people want to hear. So I’m hoping that once the world gets that to kind of normal, I’m able to start sharing that message a bit more.


I’m sure the world we’ll look forward to, to hearing what you’ve got to say. What’s something that we might not know about you Theo?


Well, something you might not know about me is I featured recently on the box of Savoy crackers. Savoy and their other brand crackers, uh, the name escapes me. Uh, but it’ll come to me soon. I’m sure. Um, so essentially there was a competition with honors, uh, for hashtag Savor moments over Instagram. And, um, I entered the Instagram and suddenly my face appeared on a box. So that was pretty cool.


You stepped up the opportunity.


Yeah. Uh, and I guess something else which people might not know, but I think it connects to a few things that, uh, I’m really passionate about. I was, um, featured as tiger is a Hobart local legend. So, uh, they approached me at, uh, of Instagram once again to be featured as their local legend for Hobart. So I got to go on a fun two day adventure with a production crew filming around my favorite spots in Tassie. And that’s part of their, I guess, campaign to promote Tasmania as a key destination to visit. So that’s something that has been pretty fun and exciting from, um, from that side of things.


Yeah, absolutely. That’s awesome. I can’t believe that there are a couple of things that we would never have known. Uh, so awesome. I love that. And it’s one of the things we’re starting to learn about the podcast already is that, um, there are so many unique things that people do that we would never know. I don’t know if you’ve ever walked down the street and said, I wonder what that person does or any read people’s so wrong, never judge a book by their cover about what people have done or are doing. So that’s great fun fact. The Tasmanian Community Achievement Award nominations, right. And right now sounds like you could be a taker for that, to be honest. And of course the Young Achiever Award nominations open soon for the 2020-2021 program, would you encourage our listeners to nominate someone they know and why?


I absolutely would. I think so much of the time, people aren’t necessarily recognized for some of the amazing things they do. And I think it is really important for those achievements to be recognized in the community. And I think in an awards program, such as the Community Achievement Awards and the Young Achievers Awards really reflect the amazing achievements that people do. And I know that, you know, having attended the award ceremonies in the past, being able to see, um, in the audience and listened to the amazing stories and the amazing things that people have been able to achieve is really phenomenal. And I think that is, I guess, part of what is really awesome about that, this type of thing. So I think for people to, I think it’s a nice thing to be able to get out there and, um, be recognized for what they’re doing and also, um, celebrate the achievements of other people who are doing amazing things in the community as well.


The great thing about being acknowledged for what you do in the community is that it provides the opportunity for others to know about services you provide, validation for the individual, uh, and it’s a reward also for those supporters around them that contributes to what they are doing. So it’s so much bigger than one person being nominated. And of course, just the thrill and the confidence it gives as well can be so far reaching. So I thank you for those, those words are really terrific. I just want to touch on a couple of other things that you’ve done that we haven’t mentioned yet. You were named the 2020 Young Lawyer of the Year by the Law Society of Tasmania, it featured in the 2019 legal 500 Australians rising stars publication through the training and education lawyer of the year, the 2018 Corporate Council Awards. And you won the Lawyers Weekly 50, under 30 Award, not only in 2017, but also 2018. Now I can see you answering me, our listeners cant, I can see you going very red and blushing there, but mate that are some extraordinary achievements. You really, it’s not just great at what you do, but the thing I love is that you give back and you want to make a difference for so many others and help them grow and get on their way in whatever it is they’re doing as well. So what’s next for Theo?


That’s a great question. Um, I think for me, I’m really keen to just continue doing what I’m doing. So it continue to help people, in the ways that I can, um, continue to spread my message through my professional speaking, and continue to provide, awesome legal services. And, you know, for me, you know, I want to grow both in my career, but also through my voluntary experiences. So, you know, if I can, um, get involved in more things and continue to grow and learn, then that that’s, that’ll be great for me. And that’s what I’d really like to see for myself.


Do you have any words of wisdom and inspiration for our listeners?


Um, Ooh. I think some of my words of wisdom would be say yes to opportunities as they present themselves to you. Uh, for me, I think so many of the things that I’ve done have just been opportunities that I, I originally saw and thought, yeah, maybe I could get involved in this. Um, and for me it ends up, I guess, providing a bit of a purpose for what I’m all about. And I think, you know, for me that, that, that is just going to really, really critical. So if people can say yes to opportunities that may arise and I would encourage everyone to just do so and have a crack at doing something, which is a bit different.


Yeah. Great words of wisdom. Have a go, love it. Is there anything in closing that you’d like to add before we sign off for today?


I think the only thing I’d have in closing is to say, you know, there are so many amazing people who do so many fantastic things in the community and anyone can be that amazing person. So I, you know, if you feel worried or intimidated by what others might think, I don’t think that it should be a concern at all. If you able to do something which is beneficial to others and you know, also potentially beneficial for you, then you should absolutely just do it. And don’t be concerned by what others might think, because chances are no one actually cares. So just go out there and achieve things and do things.


Yeah. Fantastic. Theo, where can our listeners connect with you online?


Well, they can find me on Instagram if they’d like I’m at theokap 88. So k-a-p. Uh, on LinkedIn, uh, just by searching Theo Kapodistrias, or you could check out my website, www.theokap.com.au.


And if you would like to get a copy of the links, head to australia.com/podcast, it would be well worth doing so. An inspirational young man Theo, it’s been a real privilege and a pleasure to chat with you today. I hope our listeners have enjoyed our chat as much as I have wishing you all the best with your career and future making a difference for others, of course, and look forward to the opportunity to catch up with you at some stage in the future. Thank you, Theo.


Thank you, Jeff.


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Thanks for joining us today on the inspirational Australians podcast, we hope enjoyed listening and have been inspired by ordinary Australians, achieving extraordinary things. So it’s goodbye for another week. Remember together, we make a difference.