Home » Podcast » Siobhan Wilson,13 year old founder of Our Pixie Friends, supporting children with medical conditions

Siobhan Wilson,13 year old founder of Our Pixie Friends, supporting children with medical conditions



In this week’s episode, Geoff is talking to Siobhan Wilson who was a Finalist in the 2022 7NEWS Young Achiever Awards for Queensland.

My name is Siobhan. I’m 13 and I’m the founder and owner of Our Pixie Friends. I was born at 27 weeks – that’s 3 months early! I weighed 843g and I was being resuscitated 3-4 times a day until I had open heart surgery when I was about 1 month old. As a consequence, I have a range of medical conditions, including bowel/bladder dysfunction, sensory processing disorder (dyspraxia) and NVLD – Nonverbal Learning Disorder. I also have allergies, anaphylaxis, eczema, asthma, and surprise, surprise- Generalised Anxiety Disorder! I have also experienced PTSD, depression/obsessive thoughts and had suicidal tendencies after some medication. I used to think, “Why am I the only kid with all this?” I’d get upset when other kids didn’t want to hold my hand in line, or their parents wouldn’t invite me over because they were afraid I’d have a medical emergency. When I was 6, I realised I wasn’t the only kid in the world with medical conditions and I decided I would start a business to help other kids not feel alone and isolated, and encourage other kids to be kind and inclusive. That’s when Our Pixie Friends was born. On a trip to the allergist for another round of scary skin prick testing, I brainstormed all my ideas, and by the time I came home, I had an outline of my website, ideas for books and merchandise, and a dream of raising $1 million for medical research and one day having my pixie characters in ambulances so kids experiencing trauma have one of Our Pixie Friends with them. Mum didn’t know how to help me, so she just encouraged me to write my ideas down. It wasn’t until I was 10 that I finally met a wonderful lady, Sharron Pountney from SLP Consulting, who said she would help me. She registered my companies when I was 10. In July last year, phase one of my website was launched (and I was notified that the character blogs on the website would be added to the Radio Lollipop global playlist for kids in hospital all over the world) and my first book was published. I have 2 more books coming out this year, and I have been working with a haematologist at the Sydney Children’s Hospital to develop a pixie with a bleeding disorder (who should be appearing on the website soon). I have also been invited to a number of speaking events including author talks and creative character development workshops at schools, the YES Summit, where I was on the panel to help over 400 high school students and I will be speaking at a Redlands Women in Business event in September. But the best part of my life is when I have an impact on young children. I love seeing their faces light up and hearing how my ideas are helping them.



Want to connect with Siobhan? – You can find all of our pixie friends info on the website: https://www.ourpixiefriends.com/

OR if you want to connect with Siobhan, you can connect with her on LinkedIn


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[00:00:05] Annette

Welcome to the inspirational Australians podcast with a chat to people, making  a difference in their communities and in the lives of others. And here is your host for today. Jeff Griffin.

[00:00:21] Geoff

Welcome to the inspirational Australians podcast stories of inspiring achievements  and community contribution. Every week we will celebrate an award program category,  winner or finalists. We hope you’ll be inspired and encouraged to know that Australia is in good hands,  together with our corporate partners and not for profit partners, Awards,  Australia. Showcase ordinary people from right across Australia are doing  extraordinary things. If you enjoy hearing the stories of our inspirational Australians,  please subscribe. Write us and review us. We really appreciate it.

[00:01:16] Geoff

I feel so Super privileged to be chatting with this week’s podcast guest. If you’re  looking for inspiration or are feeling a bit low,  Siobhan Wilson’s story will motivate and inspire. sherbourne was Born at just  twenty seven weeks. That’s three months early and was faced with many resultant  issues that would entitle anyone to give up before life had really started. But not  Siobhan. Let’s meet this young lady and hear some of her stories. And welcome to the podcast.

[00:01:47] Siobhan

Thanks for having me, Geoff.

[00:01:49] Geoff

Such a privilege,  it was really cool to see you at the Awards night. Not that long ago at roll on the  park. I hope you got a bit of bit of a buzz out of it.

[00:01:59] Siobhan


[00:02:00] Geoff

I could. Siobhan, you had a pretty tough start to life? What complications arose from being Born three months early?

[00:02:10] Siobhan

Yes so. As you mentioned, I was Born at twenty seven weeks,  which is three months early and I only weighed eight hundred and forty three grams.  And I was resucitated three to four times a day until I had open heart surgery when I was  a month old. And because I was premature, I’ve had a lot of medical conditions Such as sensory processing disorder,  bowel/bladder dysfunction, and I also thought I had epilepsy at one stage,  and they also think I have ADHD. I also have allergies. Anaphylaxis, eczema asthma, NVLD – Nonverbal Learning Disorder,  you get the idea. So I often felt really,  really alone and isolated because everyone was inviting other kids to  parties and sleepovers and I was always left out.  And like I understand that loads of kids have  a not really going to birthday parties because they’re not invited. No, everyone has that at some stage,  but I remember there was this one time when everyone else had  a invite on their tables. And I was the only one that didn’t have one,  and I went up to go because this girl was my friend and I was like, why was,  why was I the only one that didn’t have an invite? And she was like, well I really, really wanted to invite you,  but my mom was too afraid that you were going to have an allergy there. And I could  have just taken my safe food. But that was just like a misunderstanding. Nobody really understood about what you know,  that I could just bring my birthday food or I could wish that I could work with my  mom so that I could be safe. And no one wanted to hold my hand in school because of  my eczema, and that I was that my skin felt yucky and they were afraid they were going to  catch it. And I’ve often wondered why was I the only one with a medical bag at school?  Why wasn’t I the one that was leaving it around everywhere and had to skip  a class to go find it. And also pizza parties – you know, there was a time where the school was running  a pizza party because we were the class that won the competition and because of  my allergies, I could not go to the party.  And I mean, I could go to the party,  but I couldn’t eat the food there. And so my  mom had to go and make my own food and  take it to me. And I was just really upset that I couldn’t join in on having  the same pizza as the other kids. But we work around.

[00:05:01] Geoff

It must have be pretty tough when you’re growing up to really feel like you stood out  and you missed out. Yeah. How did you cope at school with the other kids kind to you?  Or is it mainly related to the parents being worried or scared about what might happen with you?

[00:05:22] Siobhan

I think it was a mixture of the parents and the kids because often people are main without really  realizing that they’re being mean, you know, because you know, they might be friends and you might be friends,  best friends with them. And the parents might just say no because of your medical conditions,  but I’d say that the kids are the ones that are basically treating us differently because you know,  they don’t understand what it’s like to be us. And it’s just  a bit annoying sometimes when nobody really understands you. And I remember often  times I would cry about it because no one understood me nurse or that kind of stuff.

[00:06:10] Geoff

And pretty tough. It comes down to awareness, doesn’t it?  People are not aware of a situation, they can be afraid, and it’s not personal,  I guess. But what you’re doing now will get into that shortly. Is really about  creating awareness and helping other people who may have similar issues to  you. Sometimes I bet you feel like you were the only one who was going through  something like you are. You were alone and you know,  the only person in the world that really had health issues like you. Yeah. And he  came up with an idea, didn’t you? What was your idea and how did it come about?

[00:06:54] Siobhan

Well, because of me feeling really isolated. I remember I met some other children that  actually had it and I started talking to them and making friends with them and  seeing that they had some of the things that I had, you know,  they were exactly the same as me because no one is the same everyone’s unique in their own special way,  but the fact that they had some allergies and that they understood what it was like  to be left out. I just felt really happy that I had actually met some people who  were the same as me. Anyway,  I was still feeling left out and alone and I remember going to an allergist  and me asking my mom, why am I the only one in the whole entire world with  a medical condition? Why do I have to get a skin prick test? And she’s like,  you’re not the only one. There are thousands of people like you think of the kids  that you’ve met rather like that’s right. So I’m going to help the other children  who are feeling alone and isolated. So when I was six,  I was writing down all my ideas in the back of the car brainstorming some of the  ideas. And then by the end of the card trip, I had  a whole business plan and website plan done. And my mom helped me organize all my ideas.

[00:08:20] Geoff

So let me just get that in my head. You have six years to  with this idea. And on the way to and from the allergist,  you’d mapped out your whole plan, your business plan, etcetera,  etcetera.  For how you were going to help people and what was the name of the organization that you founded?

[00:08:46] Siobhan

Our picks for

[00:08:48] Geoff

our picks, and how did you come up with that name?

[00:08:51] Siobhan

Well, originally fun fact, not many people know this, but it was actually supposed to be fairies,  so it was like our fairy friends. But then I met a lady who said,  why don’t you include some boys? And I thought back at the time that I was included in the boys,  but then I realized, you know, very the girls girls, girls sometimes. What about Pixie?  So we changed the name to our Pixie friends and that was really, really cool.

[00:09:24] Geoff

Very cool. And our listeners won’t be able to say, but you got  a beautiful backdrop there of our Pixie friends as well, which is Super cool. I have  a look at your website that’s pretty cool as well. Yeah,  a lot of good stuff and in selling a lot of stuff, maybe you can tell us  a bit about that later on. So I wanna ask you about your website down the track. So  I’d love to know maybe a little bit more about what you sell because there’s  a lot of stuff which is pretty cool. So I don’t know whether you created all that  or you’re part of that, but we’ll hold off on that and find out a bit more too,  because it is pretty. Pretty fantastic. So you were six years old  when you decided on our Pixie friends. It wasn’t until  a few years later was it when you met Sharon pulteney County sheriff I pronounce that wrong from s.l.  pay consulting. And I guess the S in the page stands for sharon’s name. Yes,  she said she would help you register our Pixie friends. How old were you then?  And then what did that involve?

[00:10:36] Siobhan

I was ten years old when my mum met my friend’s mum,  who knew all about accounting all about how to help register companies. And so  I remember coming out of my classroom and going, hey,  I just met my mom, you know, go talk to her,  she’s going to help you register your company. So I remember having my two companies,  one that’s the parent company of our friends and our and so then I just  remember paying one dollar for my company and then getting the companies registered and just getting really,  really excited about it. And I had been working on my idea for ages and ages and  ages. The four years kept on going and kept on going,  and it was then that I really realized everything was happening.

[00:11:35] Geoff

That’s amazing. Now we probably need to talk more. I would like some free mentoring from you. You’ve got  a parent company to your our Pepsi friends company. You’ve got business plans,  your Books, you got all sorts of stuff going on. So maybe you can give me some,  some hints on how to run a business. Can you do that for me?

[00:11:57] Siobhan

Sure. I’ll see how I go. Okay. So.

[00:12:01] Geoff

So you, you’re doing all this stuff. Tell us more about our Pixi friends. What happened  between when you were six, when you came up with the idea? And then at ten,  you registered the business like you got your parent company and your business at  all ten years old. You have hit double figure. So I guess that’s to be expected. So  what happened in between,  what were you actually doing in those four years and what did you do after you read just that?

[00:12:31] Siobhan

Well, I think the first thing that happened was I would I still remember this day I was  playing about, and my mom came up to me and was like, hey,  this is the moment where you have to decide whether you want to keep going with  this business or if you just want to leave it,  if that’s not who you are, you know,  feel free to say no. And I remember sitting there for five minutes tossing and  turning and tossing and turning. I thought like,  you know what this is. I wouldn’t be tossing and turning about this if I actually  wasn’t excited about it. So I remember going, okay, mom,  I really want to do this. I really want to help these kids. So then I started  writing more Books and coming up with characters. I remember sitting outside and  looking at different objects outside and making up names with those objects Such as  paint over peanut allergy.  Pixie started off as Pogo from a Pogo stick I saw. So it’s,  I just love creating different characters and writing new Books and it’s just  really, really fun. And I just love creating business plans, talking about how I started and dreaming, really big,

[00:13:58] Geoff

dreaming big is a great thing, a great thing. And I think we lose sight of dreaming, but also having  a plan to make your dreams come true. So you’re an inspiration for all of us at all  ages. And I’m so so impressed and I hope our listeners are too because what you are  saying is so inspirational and so motivating. So thank you so much for inspiring  me alone, let alone everybody else. Now you wrote a book, what was the, what’s the book you’ve written?

[00:14:31] Siobhan

It’s called cycle of the season Pixie visits Amy

[00:14:36] Geoff

and you don’t give too much away, but it is a happy have a happy ending.

[00:14:41] Siobhan

Yes, yes it

[00:14:42] Geoff

does. Oh good.  We don’t have a sad ending.  Alright, and I guess people could buy that book.

[00:14:52] Siobhan

Yes, it’s sixteen dollars on my website.

[00:14:55] Geoff

Beautiful. We’ll get your website details shortly. Sixteen bucks and it’s aimed for kids. I’m presuming. Yes. It sounds like  it might be good for adults too. But we could buy it as adults making out it’s for  our kids or grandkids. Yeah. It’s a good idea. You came up with  a few characters as well. You just talked about one before, from your Pogo stick inspiration. What was the idea  behind some of the other ideas and what some of your other character names.

[00:15:30] Siobhan

Okay, so most of the characters have the medical conditions that I had. Because basically,  I’d say our Pixi friends was basically built to help other kids,  but also help me cope with it through it too. So I created the Pixie with my own  medical conditions and and some now don’t have the medical conditions that I  have. But most of them do the four main characters Such as Didi, the Wheezy Pixie,  who has asthma, the Caleb Sneezy,  Pixie who has legit great ideas which is just allergies from Poland and stuff like  that. And Paige and the peanut allergy Pixie, and Anaphylaxis, and surprise, surprise make, did  a knock down Pixie who has anxiety

[00:16:29] Geoff

The thing I think we can all probably relate to  a few of those. Maybe that last one. Fix in particular you had some exciting news,  didn’t you that your character blogs on the website were going to be added to quite  a big global player swap.

[00:16:51] Siobhan

So Reggie lollipops global play with it. So I don’t know if everyone knows about this, but is  a radio Lollipop at the Queensland children’s Hospital and they are all about  helping sick children in hospital to put a smile on their face. And so they,  I just emailed them and said, oh,  I have character blogs if you might like to play them one day and then they all  from around the world. And so the ones in America, the ones in South Africa,  all around the World are playing my blogs from my website.

[00:17:35] Geoff

That’s pretty awesome. That is pretty awesome. You must be pretty chuffed about that. It was very cool.  Can you give us some examples of what different our Pixie friends might have made for some other young people?

[00:17:53] Siobhan

Yes, so I am a set expert. And this little girl who is usually non-communicative came up  to me and I had a Pixie on my shoulder. I actually had the meltdown Pixie up on my shoulder,  and she came up and started signing her name to the Pixie and,  and blowing kisses and giving it lily’s and the fact that it was true that she was  trying to communicate with Nixie. Really inspired,  I think her mum too that her child can actually speak and communicate. She wants to.  And the fact that she wanted to communicate with one of my Pixies was just  amazing. I never thought that I would have Such a big impact on someone’s life,  just like with the cut out of her Pixie. But I was just  really excited that I could help her communicate and I didn’t know  and nobody knows what impact that would have on her. But I was just really happy about helping her.

[00:19:06] Geoff

Yeah, that’s awesome. Maybe you need to get someone to help you create some figurines of  your pixels and sell them at the hospital cafes as a fundraiser. That would be cool. Imagine  a parent or grandparent or friend going into the cafe or to the little shop at the  hospital and run by the volunteers then buying  a little Pixie figurine that suited their their friend or family member and taking  it up and giving it to them for inspiration I think that would be pretty cool.  Maybe I can help you with that. Maybe we could do  a little country deal where you can help me with business mentoring.  And I can help  you with some ideas. Think that sounds better,  although I might be best off because you seem to have better ideas and I think  You’ve also become quite a popular public speaker, haven’t you? Yes.  Tell us about some of the places that you’ve taken it

[00:20:12] Siobhan

and well I was invited to speak at the young entrepreneur Summit. Yes. Summit for sure.  In front of four hundred children and the q&a panel on the q&a forum. And I was  just really excited to do that and also be talking at the Rotary club in calabar  and doing some the talks and character building workshops at different schools around Australia, Australia. But Brisbane,  let’s just say I would love to do it around the World, but maybe one

[00:20:52] Geoff

day. Yeah. One day. I think it’d be great. You spoke to a women in business event too, didn’t you?

[00:21:02] Siobhan

Yes. Well, I’m going to be speaking at a and being interviewed by one of the women there.

[00:21:10] Geoff

Fantastic.  That sounds pretty cool. So now some of the older folk have to do stuff. Tell them how it’s  them, how it happens in the real world that you know Feist is pretty exciting. You also  work with the Sydney children’s Hospital, didn’t you?

[00:21:28] Siobhan

Yes, we’ve created a Pixie called barty the bleeding disorder Pixie and barty is  having hemophilia. And so I’ve been working very closely with them to figure out  how to best help children and how to create the plugs. Well,  the bloke that would help the kids because I didn’t know  a lot about it. I had to learn a lot about different medical conditions,  so I would love to help every kid I can with the journey that they’re on. And so

[00:22:04] Geoff

this must give you a lot of pride and satisfaction to know that whilst you have  a lot of things that affect your life,  you are helping so many others too to deal with that with the issues that they’re  faced with as well. Yes. Yeah. Well, congratulations for that. That’s pretty, pretty impressive. Six is,  is significant and really impressive, so well done to you. What do you love most about making  a difference for young children?

[00:22:41] Siobhan

I think the thing I love the most about helping the children is showing the impact  that I could make on Such as there was a go and bookstore that I had been doing  a book talk at and, and she, she had  a stomach issue and the fact that she heard that I had won,  she was like, I’m actually not the only one,  but there are thousands of kids like me. And so she bought the magic Pixie crystal  from my website where it completely stopped that picture.  So the thing I’ve loved the most about helping children and seeing the impact that  I can create is seeing all the kids benefit from our Pixie friends. So that was just go at  a bookstore who had steric troubles and she heard that I had the troubles too. And  she realized that she wasn’t the only one. And that was just amazing to hear that.  She could actually see that now and that I had made  a difference in her life and it wasn’t just that. I struggled with it,  but she had to end. So she actually had seen and met someone who was like her,  which was really exciting because most kids don’t really get to see that until they’re a little bit older.

[00:24:12] Geoff

Yeah, so true. And I think that’s one of the real things about the young achiever Awards  and also our community achievement Awards that we run. It’s nice to know. Sometimes  the weight is on your shoulders that you are the only one going through something,  or you’re giving all of your time to what’s  a cause. And you’re not sure how much impact you’re having or you’re not feeling  that you’ve made enough impact. And there’s so much more to be done,  but to see so many other people who are achieving great results or in your case  as well. And have conditions that they have to deal with. It provides some sense of relief and support,  knowing that there are others who are also going through or doing the same things.  So I certainly understand what you’re saying and where you’re coming from. So that would give you  a lot of satisfaction knowing that you’re helping others and comfort knowing there  are other people who are having to deal with the same issues that you have to deal  with on a day to day basis. Yeah,  well you’ve done so much already. And now how old are you about forty? Yeah,

[00:25:30] Siobhan

no, I’m thirteen. Okay, I hope to make  a little bit more difference when I’m from the time now to when I’m forty

[00:25:39] Geoff

five. Well you’ve done a lot.  Anybody could be forgiven for thinking that eh,  many years have passed by and of course I say that as a joke, but you’ve done  a lot of stuff and it’s Super impressive. What are the future  plans and goals for Siobhan and of course for our Pixie friends?

[00:26:03] Siobhan

Well, I have been doing some writing of new Books and creating different blogs and there’s actually  a new aspect going onto the website. A new thing going onto the website. Two new characters,  two brothers may drop the catch the Pixie and Bertie the blood disorder Pixie. And  so I’m Super excited to be writing the blog and we’re going to record that one. And  also I am trying to write a book, so I’ve been writing like young adult Books about real world  problems and also writing about different things that are happening in other people’s lives that aren’t just like medical blog.

[00:26:53] Geoff

But yeah, fantastic. I imagine you have to do  a fair bit of study and research about those particular issues. Certainly those  that might be not particularly relevant to your own self. Would that be the case?

[00:27:08] Siobhan

Yes, so when I was writing the blog,  I had to sit and watch. I sat for like three hours watching these videos about  hemophilia. I just loved learning about it and I just got so engrossed in it  the time just passed by. But,  but I was just really excited to be knowing that I could help the children. And so  I decided to just learn more about it so that I could write the blog and help the children. Fantastic.

[00:27:44] Geoff

Well, for all the incredible stuff that you’ve been doing, the giving of yourself for others, you were selected as  a finalist in the twenty twenty to leverage solutions entrepreneurship award and very well deserved I might add,  which is part of seven years young achiever Awards Queensland program, and at only thirteen, congratulations,  you must have felt Super honoured to achieve that outcome.

[00:28:12] Siobhan

Yes, it was Such an amazing opportunity because sometimes I feel like  my idea isn’t quite good enough or whatever. And I know family always tells me now.  It’s amazing, amazing. But you just don’t believe them, you know,  they’re familiar. They’re just saying it. But when you start to see that people  have actually believed in your idea said that you’re a finalist, you know,  we believe in your idea it just helps to boost your self-esteem and help you to  believe that your idea is worth it.

[00:28:51] Geoff

Yeah, one hundred percent gives you validation that you are on the right track,  that people believe in you and not just your family who going to say that anyway  about all those around and to have reached the top three is pretty massive from  a whole state side very well-deserved and congratulations. You certainly look  pretty chuffed on the night. Very proud as you were entitled to be. It was  a great night at roll on the park.  What are your memories of the night?

[00:29:22] Siobhan

I think the best memory was just hanging out with other people who live like me  who had started the business and at a young age. And I was just really excited because  a lot of times we are working on our ideas and we just don’t really see that  other people are doing it too because, you know,  you’re always like tied down and doing the business stuff and your school work and  stuff just like am I the only person doing a business when I’m this young,  you know I why can’t I just be  a normal kid doing school and then going and like doing studies or playing  around. Why do I have to be sitting down to my schoolwork then having to go and  do business stuff at the same time. It’s just amazing to see that other kids are  lucky to and they get you and just hanging out with them and seeing so many other  young kids and thinking, oh wow, they started, this is true. I want to go say  a word to them and just a full group of kids who have started businesses. It’s just really,  really exciting. Yeah.

[00:30:38] Geoff

Did you have you joined the Awards alumni yet?

[00:30:43] Siobhan

Yes, I have

[00:30:44] Geoff

good job. Good job.  With the Awards launching again soon, would you encourage our listeners to nominate someone for the twenty two twenty  three Awards? And why would you,

[00:30:58] Siobhan

I would definitely say that you should nominate yourself or someone else around you  to go and do this award because it is literally the best thing you get to see  how your idea is worthy. You get to see that how amazing that people  think you are and how amazing that your idea is. And so when you see  that other people like your idea and think you’re ready to get the award or whether  it’s to be a finalist, you don’t just give up on your idea,  you can keep going. And so I would say definitely definitely definitely nominate  someone to be there.  And it’s just the ultimate vibe to be there because it’s amazing and you always have  a smile on your face because people believing

[00:31:56] Geoff

the initiative is so inspirational and gives you encouragement as well to keep going. As she said,  if any of our listeners would like to nominate someone or learn more about sponsor partner opportunities,  drop me an email at Jr. G F Jeffery Awards Australia dot com. Well certainly check  out our website Awards Australia dot com. The Awards program also has prizes  for our award winners and to assist providing prize money. We have an Awards  membership program, which costs only fifty dollars a year, and all membership funds go directly to winners and to become  a fifty dollar annual member. All you need to do is go to Awards Australia shop  page and you really will be helping. Now we’d like to take  a quick shout out to some of our newest award Awards, Australia members, young Toby Barrow,  who was only twelve or maybe thirteen now as well. He’s from regional Western Australia and he was  a finalist in the recent young achiever Awards. There’s the wheatbelt,  beyond youth mentoring and there from the community achievement Awards, finalist last year and Judy Perkins of integrity,  coach Lyons also from Western Australia. Good stuff, Western Australia. But what about the rest of the country?  Come on everybody. Let’s get onto that Awards Australia website page and the shop  page and sign up to become an award supporter and member certainly fourteen cents a day or fifty bucks  a year. There are also some great business support packages listed where you can  support this coming years. Community achievement presentations in any of the states around the country,  and to be part of the celebration of our finalists. And winners. Now stone,  getting back to you. What is something that we might not know about you?  You told us something we didn’t know about you before. But what is something else  we might not know about you?

[00:34:11] Siobhan

I think the thing that not many people know about me is that I do  a lot of circus arts, Such as aerial suction,  Lara sir aerial success. The material that hangs down from the roof,  that people hang on and wire is the hoop that people go.

[00:34:30] Geoff

Wow, that’s pretty impressive. How did you get involved in doing that?

[00:34:35] Siobhan

Well, funny story,  actually.  I was on the phone to my brother and my birthday was coming up and I was  like, you know, my friend just said that I couldn’t do it. So and Lara,  I don’t believe in myself anymore. So I, I just, I know that doesn’t sound funny,  but he, he goes, okay, well it’s your  birthday coming up. Let’s give you a holiday, which I’m like, wow, okay, cool. So, I’m like,  you’re going to have to talk tomorrow. Anyway,  he talks to mum and then I get to go to this holiday workshop and I love love,  loved it. And so I got into it and then

[00:35:17] Geoff

sounds awesome. And it sounds like your family are pretty cool too,  and very supportive of all that you’ve been through.

[00:35:25] Siobhan


[00:35:26] Geoff

,  definitely. Good family. Well done.   What are the driving passions that make Siobhan tick?

[00:35:34] Siobhan

I think some of my driving passions are seeing the impact I can make on the  children’s lives and also radio and podcasts. So I love,  I love listening to the radio and listening to podcasts and also just dreaming  about being a radio deejay. I know this sounds funny, but that’s what I really want to be here.

[00:35:58] Geoff

That’s pretty cool. Not  a bad plan. Now I’m going to put you on the spot. Have you listened to the  inspirational australian’s podcast this podcast?

[00:36:07] Siobhan

Yes, I have.

[00:36:08] Geoff

Oh good answer. I’ve got some pretty good stories out there of people and it’s like  the Awards night. You hear these amazing stories of people just like yourself who  are doing things that you’re saying, well, that is Super inspirational. And I get  a sore jaw at the Awards night. Keeps dropping every time I see a finalist. Wow,  that is amazing. And your jaw nearly hits the ground in awe. Of young people like  yourself. But there must be times when it all gets a little bit too much or you’re feeling  a bit low. How do you bounce back from those lone moments?

[00:36:44] Siobhan

I think the thing that helps me bounce back is laughter and listening to funny  things on my favourite radio station or podcast,  as I said before. But that actually does help me to keep on believing in myself and  just take a little bit of a break from it all. And just help me to understand that,  you know, it’s not going to last forever. This is just  a challenge that we need to face and we’ve got to just come marching out of it very soon.

[00:37:16] Geoff

Yeah, I think laughter is great advice for everybody. And I’m not going to ask what your  favourite radio station is. But mine’s, of course, big one I five,  which is our radio station support for the young Chamber of let’s go team. And of  course seven news are our TV station staff trust and we’re very thankful to them  both. What’s next for Siobhan? What’s on the horizon for your next?

[00:37:46] Siobhan

Well, I actually have been writing a story just today about  a premature baby. So we’ll see where that goes. But I think what’s next for Siobhan  is dreaming big and doing more business by Business. And maybe

[00:38:04] Geoff

you can do one for me. Do you have any words of wisdom and encouragement for our listeners?

[00:38:10] Siobhan

Yes, I would say, I believe that there is power inside each and every one of you to make  a difference in the world. And I believe that you can all dream big and achieve

[00:38:24] Geoff

fantastic. That sounds amazing. I love it. All right, we talked about your website,  you’ve got stuff still on there, your Books there for sixteen dollars. Tell us  a bit more about that website. Where can we find it? And what else is on there?

[00:38:42] Siobhan

Well, you can find my website at Pixi friends dot com. And it’s  got lots of print at home activities. Books for sale. I’ve just,  I’m just about to released my next book. Quantity,  the Weezy Pixi meets drop and that’s all about being inclusive and kind to each other. I also have,  I’m special kits that are all about boosting self-esteem and building resilience.  And also I have Pixi challenge cards with which all of that movement breaks when  you’re doing your homework or homeschooling. And you know, needs to break and,  you know, run around the house and something goes like, or just get a,  don’t do that kids. But you do just little movement breaks and yeah,  I’ve got lots of different merchandise on there and try to plug better on your  playlist too, and print at home activities.

[00:39:47] Geoff

Awesome. So Siobhan, are you on social media as well?

[00:39:50] Siobhan

Yes, I’m on Facebook. Instagram, YouTube. I have YouTube that are all about meeting the characters and the little puppets,  and I also have LinkedIn and all of that.

[00:40:05] Geoff

Fantastic. Get on and have  a look at those platforms show you kids. I’m sure they’ll love it. So where do we go again?

[00:40:13] Siobhan

At Pixie friends, dot com. Beautiful.

[00:40:17] Geoff

Alright, so I’m presuming all of your stuff all the merchandise you bought can be purchased from that website.

[00:40:24] Siobhan


[00:40:25] Geoff

And the good thing is that ten percent of all sales decrease that Yeah, also,  well double bonus. Now we can feel good about ourselves as well as having some  great products on your website. Sharon,  is there anything else you want to add or say before we close off our podcast tonight?

[00:40:46] Siobhan

I would just want to tell everyone to never give up and to always keep on dreaming.  And remember that life isn’t all about floating on top of the water. Sometimes  you have to dive under and be courageous and start  a business or write that book or write that bloke. Go do that drawing  just dream really big and believe in yourself.

[00:41:10] Geoff

Yeah, fantastic. Great advice. Great way to leave our podcast today and to  motivate all of our listeners hopefully through the week until we come up with our  next bit of inspiration next week. Siobhan. It’s been an absolute pleasure and  a privilege to have you on the podcast to chat with you today. You’re  a powerhouse to thirteen and amazing. Thank you so much for sharing some of your  story with us today. And by the way, how are you doing now?  You’ve been through a lot. Are you doing okay?

[00:41:46] Siobhan

Yes, I still have to do. I still have to go to hospital appointment sometimes,  but in the long run I’m doing better and yes, I’m still on some medications, but I’m okay now.

[00:42:00] Geoff

Fantastic. A shout out to a very good friend of mine, A.J.  king down in Tasmania in Hobart, he had a little boy,  Ochre Rain. Very similar to you. Born very similar timeline to you. I know I  watched on social media the journey, the number of operations and the trials as  a family they went through and I cried is not as old as you,  but he’s growing and doing well. And in fact,  they’ve named their business Ochre Rain after their son and AJ is, is  a judge on our Awards panel and has been for twelve years and became quite  a good mate of mine because he’s an extraordinary human,  but really committed to making a difference. So I’m very touched by your story,  Siobhan because I understand in some tiny way how and what you’ve gone through.  So I’m glad to hear you’re doing well and I hope everybody listening has enjoyed  hearing someone’s story. Get onto Siobhan’s website. What is it again, Siobhan?

[00:43:10] Siobhan

My Pixi Friends dot com

[00:43:11] Geoff

Get on there, and purchase something, or at least have  a look at some of siobhan’s fantastic stuff until next week everybody. Please think about nominate a mate  for our Awards. The young achievers will be open any day now. And nominate  a mate and it will make a difference for someone because together we make a difference. Thanks, Siobhan.

[00:43:41] Siobhan

Thank you for having me, Geoff.

[00:43:43] Geoff

I hope you enjoyed today’s interview as much as I had. It was lovely to  subscribe to our podcast so that you won’t miss an episode. Join us each week as we  talk with ordinary Australians shaping extraordinary things. Did you know that  Awards Australia is a family owned business that proudly makes  a difference in the lives of those who make a difference for others?  And we thank our corporate not for profit partners for making our programs possible.  Do you know someone that’s making a difference? Well,  maybe your business might like to sponsor an award. Contact us through out Instagram page, inspirational to Australians,  or head to our website. Awards Australia dot com. Would be great if you could share  the site with your network. Because who doesn’t like a good news story,  please write and review us. We would really love to hear your thoughts until next  week. Stay safe. And remember together we make a difference.