The Young Achiever Awards have been proudly supported by the Seven Network. We are excited to announce that the Victorian program will be renamed the Seven News Young Achiever Awards. This follows the announcement that the South Australian, Queensland, NSW/ACT and Western Australian programs will be renamed, further solidifying Seven’s support and commitment to the Awards and promoting Australia’s young people.
The partnership between the Young Achiever Awards and Seven News will further raise awareness and profile of the Program and provide wonderful recognition for the young people we celebrate. Seven along with PRIME7 (regional NSW and in the ACT), will offer significant visibility of the Awards to viewers across Australia through a call for nominations ad campaign and a celebration of the award winners ad promotion.
Seven Network Director News and Public Affairs, Craig McPherson said: “News is what’s happening now. Our youth will take us to where we’re going next. Seven News is invested heavily in both and is proud to partner with the Young Achiever Awards to showcase the extraordinary work of so many outstanding young Australians.”
The Seven News Young Achiever Awards provide a vehicle to encourage and acknowledge young people that make a positive difference by changing lives and enriching communities.
Nominations open in September, and we all know someone who fits the description of young achiever, so why not let us know who you believe deserves to be nominated. You can like the Seven News Young Achiever Awards on Facebook to stay up to date with your state’s program as well as visit for more details.