Western Australian Community Achievement Awards

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Economic Development Award will recognise those in regional communities working to maximise job creation and improve career opportunities. Applicants may include innovative businesses, service providers, organisations, development associations or groups. Or might recognise the installation of key community infrastructure that has promoted economic and social development. The Economic Development Awards will applaud and acknowledge those taking steps to encourage and facilitate the economic development of regional Western Australia.
- Describe the economic benefits to the local and/or broader regional community - including who and how they have benefited and how your nominee works with local suppliers and the community to deliver outcomes for your community
- Where appropriate, please provide concrete examples of how your nomination has contributed to employment or jobs growth in your local community
- Outline proven business or economic results
- Describe how your nominee has overcome barriers and difficulties in the context of their region to deliver outcomes
- In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.

Describe the project, group, program, community event or initiative.
How long has the group, project or program been running, and who benefits? Demonstrate benefits to the community.
How many people are involved in the group or initiative?
Detail the source of funding (if applicable) and sustainability of the group or initiative.
Describe any barriers or difficulties and how they have been overcome?
In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.

The Awards Australia Foundation Ltd (AAF) is dedicated to advancing social welfare, promoting reconciliation, mutual respect, and celebrating cultural diversity.
Aligned with our values, the Diversity and Inclusion Award recognises individuals and organisations advocating for diversity, equality, and inclusion within their communities or professions.
Recipients demonstrate a commitment to fostering positive change by raising awareness and implementing initiatives that promote mutual respect and celebrate diversity. Through this award, AAF aims to inspire inclusive societies that support those in need and provide opportunities for all individuals to contribute to positive societal change.
Describe the initiative/efforts and who benefits.
Describe how the individual/organisation has championed diversity and inclusion
Provide examples of how the initiative has improved equality, diversity and inclusion in the community and/or workplace.
What specific outcomes and successes have been achieved through the initiative? Provide examples.
Describe any barriers or difficulties and, if so, how have you overcome these?
In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.

- Show proven contribution to the regional community through teaching related activities
- Identify initiative and innovation
- Discuss barriers and difficulties overcome
- Describe short and long-term project/community objectives
- Accounts of self-development
- In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.

- Provide a brief background and history of the early learning initiative.
- Outline both the short and long term goals of the initiative, including impact and benefits (including on who and how, and if the impact will or could be sustained and further embedded in the local or broader community to benefit young children).
- Demonstrate community involvement;a) In the initiative’s planningb) In the way the initiative is deliveredc) In the way the initiative is received (participation).
- Demonstrate the value, success, reach and positive difference made on the lives of young children, families, and/or community.(Feel free to use media clippings, testimonials, photos as well as written commentary to respond to this question)
- Provide details of any challenges and/or obstacles that you have had to overcome and how this has been achieved.
- In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.

- Explain the safety initiative and its benefits to minimise the risk of vehicle crashes in regional locations
- How successful is the initiative and how is success measured?
- Explain the driver for implementing the safety initiative
- Explain whether/how the initiative can be implemented elsewhere?
- Explain any barriers or difficulties and measures to overcome
- In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.

Customer service plays a pivotal role in the success of any business or organization. The Konica Minolta Australia Customer Service Award is a prestigious accolade that recognizes and celebrates exceptional customer service within organizations or by individuals. By sponsoring this award, Konica Minolta demonstrates its commitment to promoting and rewarding excellence in customer service. The award serves as a platform to acknowledge individuals, teams or organisations that consistently go above and beyond to provide exceptional experiences to customers. Through this award Konica Minolta aims to inspire a customer-centric culture and encourage organizations to prioritize outstanding service and customer satisfaction. The award highlights the importance of exceptional customer service and its impact on building strong relationships and driving success in all aspects of business.
Some points to consider when filling out this application:
--- How do you ensure a positive customer experience throughout the entire customer journey?
--- How do you proactively anticipate customer needs and exceed their expectations?
--- How do you handle difficult or dissatisfied customers, and what steps do you take to turn the situation around?
--- What strategies or initiatives have you implemented to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty?
- Please provide a brief background of the business/organisation and the nominee (a team or an individual)
- Can you please share a specific instance where you went above and beyond to provide exceptional service to a customer and also provide an example of how you successfully collaborated with others to deliver outstanding service?
- Training and development undertaken
- Outline how the nominee (a team or an individual) has made an impact on the business and wider community
- Testimonials that back up examples of customer service excellence will be viewed favourably
- In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made.This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.

- Brief background and history of the business/industry, including number of employees
- Description of products and/or services provided and your contribution to Northern WA
- Description of financial success and viability and source of funding and budgets if applicable
- Involvement with wider industry groups, networks or associations and community involvement
- Description of management skills, staff training and development
- Examples of recent business achievements or performance success
- Marketing and promotional initiatives
- Barriers or difficulties and how they have been overcome
- In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made. This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner.

The Stumpy's Local Legend Award acknowledges those individuals making a significant contribution at a local level. There are many selfless people who, through their actions, have positively impacted the lives of others and their local or regional community.
The Local Legends Award acknowledges those everyday people doing extraordinary things within their local communities. Local Legends may be involved in (but not restricted to) volunteering, art, health, business, the environment, aged care, leadership or education. They may have displayed courage in overcoming a personal adversity or demonstrated leadership, innovation or inspiration in trying times.
- Provide a brief overview of the individual’s background and circumstances leading to the contribution.
- Describe the contribution of the nominee to the program, event, project, activities or to the community in general.
- Describe the outcome of the contribution in terms of:• Achievements of the individual• Impact on the local community, including measurable results• Potential for longevity of the impact beyond the individual’s involvement• Potential for expansion or repetition of impact
- What sacrifices have been made by the individual to make their contribution to the community possible?
What rewards or compensation has the individual received as a direct or indirect result of their contribution?
- Discuss any barriers faced and how they have been overcome. (if relevant)
- In 25 words (2-3 sentences), please summarise your nomination; highlighting your achievements and impacts made.This summary will be used for all media purposes and onstage presentations at the gala dinner